One of the major problems with politics is politicians. Politicians who get comfortable in seats they have held for years. While they may have started with fire and fresh ideas. I noticed after a while in office those politicians become stale, entrenched in their ideas and views. They offer little or nothing new in progress and ideas to strengthen and better the lives of their constituents.
Look at Boston today. What is fresh and new other than bike lanes?
Many politicians become comfortable with great paychecks and retirement benefits.
After a few terms in office, all politicians need to move on. Move on to their next office or their life.
I support term limits for the city of Boston. Two terms for the mayor. Two three-year terms for the Boston City Council.
After two mayoral terms, we need fresh voices and new ideas to lead our city.
As a city councilor, if you cannot improve Boston in six years, you most likely will not.
I support term limits. If fortunate to become mayor of Boston, I will serve two terms only. My ideas are unique. After two terms, life, society, and technology will change. It will be great seeing a fresh voice step forward and lead.