Candidate for the seat of Mayor in the city of Boston.
On The Issues
Transgender Issues
I support people living their lives peacefully, productively, and safely. They may live as they choose. If they are Transgender, good for them. That is their right.
It is my right to not participate in their lifestyle. I do not use pronouns. I call people as I see them. I do not follow illusions.
Transgender in Sports
I do not support males in female sports. I do not support males in women's locker rooms or changing areas. I do not support biological males in any female spaces.
Illegal Immigration
I do not support or condone illegal immigration into the United States. I do not support those who cross the border illegally. I do not support those who overstay their work visas. I do not support Pregnancy Tourism.
The Democrats create division between illegal immigrants and Americans by providing massive support and free giveaways to illegal immigrant criminals.
All Americans who are suffering high taxes, rationing medication. Cutting down meals. Keeping the heat in their house low. Struggling to pay for daycare. All as Democrats give all of those necessary, urgent needs to illegal immigrants for free.
Schools must be for education and building of social skills. Schools should not be homes to societal indoctrination. Gay Pride Flags, Black Lives Matter Flags, Confederate Flags do not belong in Boston Public Schools. The American Flag is the standard.
While I am against banning books. I realize books in schools should be age specific. Books should not be too graphic for children of certain age groups.
I do not support Transgender Story Hours. As Mayor, I will mandate those not exist in Boston Public Schools.
Voter ID
I support voter ID laws. It is racist for Democrats to say or imply Black and Brown Americans do not have or cannot get an ID to vote.
Voting should be done by American citizens. Show your ID, then vote.
2nd Amendment. I support a person's right to own and bear arms. If you study the history of gun control, you will learn gun control is rooted in racism. I stand for the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution. People in Boston must be allowed the right to own guns. I stand with gun owners when it comes to the 2nd Amendment and our constitution.